meditation & personal development centre

Online Event, Organised by Inner Space Manchester
Online Talk : Unpacking the Blame Game

When I point one finger of blame three fingers are pointing back at me! What does this mean? In the big picture of things, does blame ever help? What is the relationship between blame and responsibility?  

Maria Pagkalou originates from Greece and lives in Athens. She is an Olympian (Rhythmic Gymnastics) and works as an Architect. When searching for the meaning of concentration in the different fields of life, she discovered the meditation of the Brahma Kumaris. Later, she became a member of the coordinating team for the BK Youth activities in Greece from 2007-2013. Currently a member of the BK Athens Center coordinating team and the National Coordinating Team, Maria is keen on sharing her interest in spirituality and how elements like silence and love for the Divine can make our lives full of meaning.

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Meeting ID: 987 3822 5435   |   Passcode: wisdom 

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