meditation & personal development centre

Inner Space Manchester, 14 Byrom Street, Spinningfields,
(Opposite Opera House; Satnav use M3 3HP)
Manchester M3 4PP
In-Person Course : Explore Raja Yoga Meditation

Experience peace, inner strength and clarity through 'yoga for the mind'.  

Raja Yoga meditation is an open-eyed technique that can be used by anyone, anywhere - whilst you commute or at your desk, as well as at home. Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative or are searching for personal enlightenment, this course can satisfy each of those needs.

Like any skill, meditation requires practice.  By doing a little every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit.

Morning or evening sessions available  |  Register for the first session only  |  Age 18 and over      

Part 1       Tue 16 July    or    Tue 20 August
Part 2       Thu 18 July    or    Thu 22 August
Part 3       Tue 23 July    or    Tue 27 August
Part 4       Thu 25 July    or    Thu 29 August